Huh? what're you doing here?

you kinda caught me in the middle of something i haven't finished eating my

Oh, wait, you're prolly here to learn more about me, right?

Fuck I uh, I shoulda been more prepared for this...

Wait I think I got smth in the back

Just stay here I'll go grab it!

Ok, I'm back, sorry that took so long

didn't even get to finish eating my sandwich

bUT Regardless

here's what you've been waiting for.

(sorry for the wait for real for real)

← that's how i represent myself online

Before we continue I'm going to offer a brief overview of some extremely basic details about me

    First off, who am I? What am I? Well, my name is ███████ but you can call me Alamba (unless you know me in real life, then you can call me by my name). I work on this website as a hobby but, as you can likely tell, I'm not the best at it. I also write as a hobby (screenplays and scripts, can't do prose for the life of me so that's a no go) but that hasn't gone anywhere and I'm honestly kinda fine with that.

  • My favorite color is pink
  • My favorite TV show is Gravity Falls
  • My favorite movie is The Princess Bride
  • My favorite game is Portal 2
  • I'm my friend group's designated Game Master
  • This is my favorite video on the internet

Now, you may not have noticed by I really like the internet. Not social media, but the internet. A thing of beauty, it is. I mean, look at all the uniqueness and personality of Neocities. It inspires me. But this is about me, not about the cool things other people make. So the internet, I grew up with it and it is a massive part of my life, more so than most people I'd say. I don't have too much to say about myself but like, I got lots to say about things. I don't really want to say them here though. You'll just have to wait for me to finish this website, I guess.

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