Hello and welcome to my personal website nestled within my MotW Campaign website, weird order I know. Reason for that is that the Campaign website came first and then I had the idea to make a personal website as well, but I didn't want to make a second account: so here we are. As you can likely tell from the top of the page, I'm Alamba. I make things. Sometimes. Mostly I just talk to people. Not over the internet typically. Although I guess I'm talking to people over the internet now, aren't I? Strange world we live in. Oh you may be wondering what's up with the giant Nixon to the right of this text and, well, you see, that's a funny story. Actually not really, it's an inside joke amongst me and my friends so it probably wouldn't be funny to you. Shame, really. All you need to know is that that's probably how I'm going to represent myself on this here webpage of mine. I'm pretty new to HTML (well actually I took a class on HTML but it's been years and I forgot everything) and this is essentially my first website (see previous comment) so i am going to be. experimenting. on this page. Well that's all for now see you on another page byeeeeeeee!